Stalls included:
- baby competition
- baby stall
- bouncy castle
- hook a duck
- hoopla
- refreshments
- bric a brac
- cake stall
- guess the weight of the cake
- how many sweets in the jar
- displays - army cadets and dancers
- clairvoyant
- teddy tombola
- book and DVD stall
- grand raffle
- candyfloss
- And others but most importantly an Organ donation stall.
It was a fantastic day and a great turn out! Thank you isn't enough to all those who helped out on the day! My first event I have ever organised by myself turned out to be very stressful however hasn't put me off! Bigger things will be happening all in memory of my cousin and aimed to raise more money so other families do not have to suffer what we or my cousin did.
**IN TOTAL OVER £700 WAS RAISED** I aim to spend this money on hair washing facilities for the transplant unit in hope to improve simple, living conditions.